1 00:00:02,616 --> 00:00:07,019 After the conquest and plundering of the Inca empire by Spain . . . 2 00:00:07,120 --> 00:00:10,578 . . .the Indians invented the legend of El Dorado . . . 3 00:00:10,691 --> 00:00:15,094 . . . a land of gold , located in the swamps of the Amazon headwaters. 4 00:00:16,797 --> 00:00:21,700 A large expedition of Spanish adventurers, led by Gonzalo Pizarro . . . 5 00:00:21,802 --> 00:00:25,704 . . . set off from the Peruvian highlands in late 1 560. 6 00:00:27,607 --> 00:00:31,566 The only document to survive from this lost expedition . . . 7 00:00:31,678 --> 00:00:34,738 . . . is the diary of the monk Gaspar de Carvajal . 8 00:01:10,064 --> 00:01:16,962 On Christmas day 1560, we reached the last pass of the Andes... 9 00:01:17,196 --> 00:01:21,127 ...and for the first time looked down at the legendaryjungle. 10 00:01:22,062 --> 00:01:27,460 In the morning I read mass, then we descended through the clouds. 11 00:03:36,169 --> 00:03:41,567 AGUIRRE , THE WRATH OF GOD 12 00:03:41,935 --> 00:03:47,161 A film by Werner Herzog 13 00:05:38,547 --> 00:05:41,238 No one can get down that river alive ! 14 00:05:41,446 --> 00:05:43,968 I tell you, we can do it! 15 00:05:50,377 --> 00:05:52,809 From here it will be easier. 16 00:06:04,408 --> 00:06:06,499 No. We're all going to go under. 17 00:07:27,094 --> 00:07:29,853 Our Indian slaves are useless. 18 00:07:30,192 --> 00:07:33,056 The changing climate kills them off like flies... 19 00:07:33,158 --> 00:07:35,750 ...most of them die of colds. 20 00:07:35,858 --> 00:07:39,550 We don't even have time to give them a Christian burial. 21 00:08:08,818 --> 00:08:11,010 Come on , move it! 22 00:08:15,084 --> 00:08:18,709 Move you pigs! Come on ! Let's go ! 23 00:08:19,983 --> 00:08:22,744 Keep moving , we don't want to get stuck in the mud ! 24 00:08:25,915 --> 00:08:28,380 Son of a bitch ! 25 00:08:37,746 --> 00:08:41,609 You idiots! The sedan-chair will get stuck! 26 00:08:46,045 --> 00:08:47,101 This way! 27 00:08:48,711 --> 00:08:50,301 Damned mud ! 28 00:09:08,474 --> 00:09:10,269 Watch it, you idiots! 29 00:09:30,036 --> 00:09:32,661 Keep the barrel out of the water! 30 00:09:50,232 --> 00:09:53,686 By the last day of the year, we were exhausted. 31 00:09:53,832 --> 00:09:56,695 We camped near the river. 32 00:10:02,331 --> 00:10:04,853 lt can't go on like this, men . 33 00:10:06,729 --> 00:10:09,160 The rations are almost finished . 34 00:10:11,429 --> 00:10:15,690 The terrain is so difficult, we're almost at a standstill . 35 00:10:19,094 --> 00:10:24,047 We cannot hope to reach a populated area for some time . 36 00:10:26,759 --> 00:10:30,451 In view of the situation we're in . . . 37 00:10:31,757 --> 00:10:34,349 . . . I have changed my plans. . . 38 00:10:34,924 --> 00:10:36,514 . . . as follows: 39 00:10:38,424 --> 00:10:43,118 Rafts will be built and manned by forty men . 40 00:10:45,821 --> 00:10:48,686 These men will have the task. . . 41 00:10:49,155 --> 00:10:55,018 . . .to get food and information about hostile Indians. . . 42 00:10:55,120 --> 00:10:58,086 . . . and the location of El Dorado . 43 00:11:00,852 --> 00:11:05,148 We have every reason to believe that both are near. . . 44 00:11:06,519 --> 00:11:10,041 The expedition must return within one week. . . 45 00:11:10,984 --> 00:11:13,415 . . . by water or by land . 46 00:11:15,217 --> 00:11:17,113 lf it doesn't. . . 47 00:11:18,115 --> 00:11:21,206 . . .we have to assume it is lost. . . 48 00:11:22,815 --> 00:11:26,269 . . . and we have to march back the same way. . . 49 00:11:26,381 --> 00:11:31,812 . . . in the hope of reaching an area inhabited by Christians. 50 00:11:33,113 --> 00:11:37,068 We hope , of course , that this will not happen . . . 51 00:11:37,180 --> 00:11:40,610 . . . as long as the Virgin Mary is with us. 52 00:11:42,312 --> 00:11:45,937 After careful consideration , I have decided . . . 53 00:11:46,578 --> 00:11:52,236 . . .to make Don Pedro de Ursua commander of the expedition . 54 00:11:52,643 --> 00:11:57,972 His mistress, Dona Inez de Atienza , will accompany him . 55 00:11:58,375 --> 00:12:01,239 This happens against my better judgement. 56 00:12:01,775 --> 00:12:07,365 But she expressed her wish with such grace and firmness. . . 57 00:12:07,674 --> 00:12:10,163 . . .that I cannot refuse it. 58 00:12:10,739 --> 00:12:14,569 Don Lope de Aguirre will be second in command . 59 00:12:14,673 --> 00:12:18,434 A man who is well qualified for this task. 60 00:12:18,605 --> 00:12:22,058 His daughter Flores will stay under his protection . . . 61 00:12:22,170 --> 00:12:25,625 . . .this also is against my better judgement. 62 00:12:25,771 --> 00:12:31,633 At fifteen , she should have stayed in the care of the Holy Sisters. 63 00:12:32,003 --> 00:12:37,763 As on all expeditions, the word of God must be brought to the pagans. 64 00:12:38,434 --> 00:12:43,297 I hereby nominate Brother Gaspar de Carvajal for this task. 65 00:12:44,933 --> 00:12:50,559 The remaining two hundred slaves will stay with my group. 66 00:12:52,564 --> 00:12:57,495 The Royal House of Spain will be represented . . . 67 00:12:57,630 --> 00:13:00,892 . . . by the brave nobleman , Don Fernando de Guzman . . . 68 00:13:00,997 --> 00:13:03,292 . . .who proved his courage 1 0 years ago . . . 69 00:13:03,396 --> 00:13:07,555 . . . at the storming of the fortress of Saxahuaman . 70 00:13:08,862 --> 00:13:12,225 Some of the best warriors will form this group. . . 71 00:13:12,328 --> 00:13:17,350 . . . but those not chosen shouldn't feel rejected . 72 00:13:17,560 --> 00:13:21,388 I declare all this in the form of a document. . . 73 00:13:21,625 --> 00:13:26,284 . . .to be submitted for approval to the Council of the Indies. 74 00:13:26,526 --> 00:13:29,422 Herewith I append my signature . 75 00:13:42,356 --> 00:13:46,253 Four days later, on January fourth, we set out. 76 00:13:46,588 --> 00:13:49,316 May God be with us. 77 00:16:01,463 --> 00:16:04,951 Watch the raft, the rapids get stronger! 78 00:16:10,929 --> 00:16:13,189 Keep in the middle of the river! 79 00:16:51,954 --> 00:16:56,249 - The first raft got stuck in an eddy! - They must get away from the rocks! 80 00:17:39,278 --> 00:17:40,970 January Sixth. 81 00:17:41,277 --> 00:17:44,607 We finally reached shore and set up camp. 82 00:17:46,376 --> 00:17:50,933 On the other side of the river, one of our rafts ran into an eddy. 83 00:17:51,809 --> 00:17:56,468 We could not hear what they were yelling, and could not help. 84 00:18:00,941 --> 00:18:02,837 How many are on the raft? 85 00:18:02,939 --> 00:18:04,906 Seven and two Indians. 86 00:18:05,007 --> 00:18:08,267 We must try to help the poor devils, Aguirre . 87 00:18:10,539 --> 00:18:12,401 You are crazy! 88 00:18:12,738 --> 00:18:14,704 We will not help them ! 89 00:18:15,671 --> 00:18:17,999 l'm still giving the orders. 90 00:18:23,804 --> 00:18:25,292 ls that so . . . 91 00:18:34,300 --> 00:18:39,358 We need long ropes and hooks. Further downstream we can cross. 92 00:18:41,733 --> 00:18:46,188 Once we're on the other side , we'll be able to get them out. 93 00:18:48,398 --> 00:18:52,090 Take as many men as you need . . . and hurry! 94 00:20:35,078 --> 00:20:38,010 I wonder if Armando has reached the other side? 95 00:20:38,111 --> 00:20:43,041 Those men must be getting sick. They're still going around in circles. 96 00:20:48,708 --> 00:20:51,902 - What is this? - They're firing over there . 97 00:20:53,609 --> 00:20:56,073 They're trying to signal us. 98 00:20:56,874 --> 00:20:58,772 Maybe it's a battle? 99 00:21:32,135 --> 00:21:34,566 There are only six. 100 00:21:34,700 --> 00:21:37,893 The oarsmen and the seventh man have gone . 101 00:21:38,599 --> 00:21:40,691 I find that strange . 102 00:21:42,199 --> 00:21:44,926 Look, the oars are still there . 103 00:21:49,864 --> 00:21:53,262 l'm sure , there are still some Indians in this area . 104 00:21:57,062 --> 00:21:59,789 We better go back to the camp. 105 00:22:02,196 --> 00:22:04,253 Keep your eyes open ! 106 00:23:00,417 --> 00:23:01,610 Help! 107 00:23:01,751 --> 00:23:03,773 Indians! Indians! 108 00:23:07,982 --> 00:23:11,039 A prayer from here is not enough , Brother Carvajal . 109 00:23:11,116 --> 00:23:14,445 I want to take these men back for a Christian burial . 110 00:23:14,882 --> 00:23:16,744 You are right, my son . . . 111 00:23:17,681 --> 00:23:20,670 . . .their souls will rest much better in consecrated ground . 112 00:23:20,781 --> 00:23:25,269 lt's the least we can do for these poor guys who died so bravely. 113 00:23:40,509 --> 00:23:41,839 Perucho ! 114 00:23:56,041 --> 00:23:59,733 Perucho , don't you think the cannon is getting a bit rusty? 115 00:24:00,374 --> 00:24:01,566 Perhaps. 116 00:25:06,894 --> 00:25:09,655 You know very well who is responsible . 117 00:25:09,994 --> 00:25:14,618 lf Aguirre gets away with this, who knows what he'll do next? 118 00:25:14,726 --> 00:25:16,214 Don't worry about that. 119 00:25:16,526 --> 00:25:19,083 We really have other problems. 120 00:25:19,459 --> 00:25:21,946 There are Indians everywhere . 121 00:25:22,625 --> 00:25:25,056 The whole area is full of them . . . 122 00:25:25,158 --> 00:25:28,884 . . . and no one wants to die like the men on the raft. 123 00:25:28,990 --> 00:25:31,888 lf only we were out of this trouble . . . 124 00:25:32,856 --> 00:25:35,719 We can't hope for that yet. 125 00:25:35,821 --> 00:25:38,083 Don't be afraid . 126 00:25:38,487 --> 00:25:43,442 Aguirre would never dare to rebel against the Spanish crown . 127 00:25:43,753 --> 00:25:46,049 We are not in Castile , here . 128 00:25:50,753 --> 00:25:53,410 Look what l've found for you . 129 00:25:54,585 --> 00:25:57,516 This animal sleeps its whole life away. 130 00:26:01,583 --> 00:26:03,310 lt's never really awake . 131 00:26:27,379 --> 00:26:29,970 Our rafts are gone . 132 00:26:34,410 --> 00:26:36,274 The rafts are gone ! 133 00:26:38,476 --> 00:26:40,170 January Eighth. 134 00:26:40,810 --> 00:26:43,673 The river rose fifteen feet over night. 135 00:26:45,042 --> 00:26:47,700 When will our misfortunes end? 136 00:27:29,933 --> 00:27:33,296 lf I remove your chains, will you run away? 137 00:27:34,833 --> 00:27:36,128 Would you? 138 00:27:38,165 --> 00:27:41,255 Stop, wait a minute , isn't that my pot? 139 00:27:42,231 --> 00:27:44,289 What are you doing with my pot? 140 00:27:48,364 --> 00:27:51,295 No , the wood is too heavy. 141 00:27:51,662 --> 00:27:57,321 We'll take this one . l'm not taking one step further into this jungle . 142 00:28:03,927 --> 00:28:05,256 What's going on? 143 00:28:07,227 --> 00:28:08,749 We're making nails. 144 00:28:09,893 --> 00:28:11,325 What for? 145 00:28:11,494 --> 00:28:14,185 We need as many nails as possible . 146 00:28:17,759 --> 00:28:19,781 What are you doing with this log? 147 00:28:19,890 --> 00:28:24,447 Well , l'm carrying it from where I found it back to the camp. 148 00:28:24,556 --> 00:28:26,284 Who gave that order? 149 00:28:28,756 --> 00:28:30,915 Everyone here is collecting wood . 150 00:28:31,322 --> 00:28:32,787 And iron . 151 00:28:52,185 --> 00:28:54,047 What's going on here? 152 00:28:55,784 --> 00:28:56,773 I have no idea . 153 00:28:56,885 --> 00:28:59,872 Who gave the order to build rafts? 154 00:29:19,780 --> 00:29:24,109 What does it all mean? Do you know, Inez? 155 00:29:25,046 --> 00:29:28,842 Don't even ask. lt's your father's fault. 156 00:29:29,512 --> 00:29:32,102 lf only it were all over. 157 00:29:33,777 --> 00:29:39,606 Gentlemen , as your commander, I have decided . . . 158 00:29:39,809 --> 00:29:41,933 . . .to return to our main troop. 159 00:29:42,008 --> 00:29:43,668 lt's not my habit to retreat. 160 00:29:43,776 --> 00:29:48,672 We have to march back, of course , because the current is too strong . 161 00:29:48,807 --> 00:29:53,501 We need to get back within the time Pizarro ordered . 162 00:29:54,106 --> 00:29:57,402 But that would be suicide because of the Indians. 163 00:29:57,673 --> 00:30:01,298 Whatever the cost, we have to march back. 164 00:30:01,938 --> 00:30:03,927 We must get back to Pizarro ! 165 00:30:04,138 --> 00:30:05,899 Shit on Pizarro ! 166 00:30:07,471 --> 00:30:09,834 I say, we can't accomplish our task this way. 167 00:30:09,937 --> 00:30:13,596 And I say, we can conquer without Pizarro ! 168 00:30:14,069 --> 00:30:17,330 That's what we gathered logs and iron for. . . 169 00:30:17,601 --> 00:30:19,625 . . .to build a raft. 170 00:30:23,702 --> 00:30:26,222 Do you remember Hernando Cortez? 171 00:30:28,201 --> 00:30:31,654 Bound for Mexico , he was ordered to return . . . 172 00:30:31,999 --> 00:30:33,726 . . . but he just went on ! 173 00:30:35,299 --> 00:30:37,094 Silence , Aguirre ! 174 00:30:41,931 --> 00:30:46,364 He ignored the orders and conquered Mexico ! 175 00:30:46,497 --> 00:30:48,019 Silence , everyone ! 176 00:30:49,296 --> 00:30:51,694 That's how he became rich and famous. . . 177 00:30:51,796 --> 00:30:52,920 Be quiet! 178 00:30:53,296 --> 00:30:54,784 Because he disobeyed ! 179 00:30:55,629 --> 00:30:57,253 Put him in chains! 180 00:31:08,759 --> 00:31:10,157 Stop it, now! 181 00:31:14,658 --> 00:31:16,556 - I follow Ursua . - Kill him ! 182 00:31:20,956 --> 00:31:22,444 Anyone else? 183 00:31:52,051 --> 00:31:55,017 What do you think will happen now? 184 00:31:59,982 --> 00:32:03,039 What if there are waterfalls downstream? 185 00:32:03,615 --> 00:32:07,410 Who cares, as long as we get closer to El Dorado . 186 00:32:12,848 --> 00:32:16,676 Have you seen Ursua clenching his fist? 187 00:32:16,779 --> 00:32:19,109 He must have something in it. 188 00:32:22,678 --> 00:32:25,734 I think, they will kill him . 189 00:32:25,877 --> 00:32:29,241 Would you have the courage to help him? 190 00:34:17,024 --> 00:34:19,988 You're the only one who can help us. 191 00:34:21,323 --> 00:34:24,345 I know he will kill Ursua and Armando . 192 00:34:25,123 --> 00:34:29,519 He will finish what he has started . 193 00:34:30,689 --> 00:34:32,984 You are my last hope . 194 00:34:36,987 --> 00:34:41,578 Thou lettest man flow on like a river. . . 195 00:34:41,687 --> 00:34:44,277 . . . and Thy years know no end . 196 00:34:45,052 --> 00:34:47,415 As for man . . . 197 00:34:48,851 --> 00:34:50,544 . . . his days are like grass. . . 198 00:34:50,651 --> 00:34:54,514 . . . as a flower on the field , so he blossoms. 199 00:34:55,116 --> 00:34:57,548 For when the wind passeth over it. . . 200 00:34:57,650 --> 00:35:02,172 . . . and it is gone , and the place thereof shall know it no more . 201 00:35:04,782 --> 00:35:06,407 You know, my child . . . 202 00:35:07,681 --> 00:35:11,079 . . .for the good of our Lord . . . 203 00:35:11,580 --> 00:35:15,205 . . .the Church was always on the side of the strong . 204 00:35:33,443 --> 00:35:35,931 I would like to have you on our side . 205 00:35:43,409 --> 00:35:45,431 We need men like you . 206 00:35:56,439 --> 00:35:58,529 You should think about it. . . 207 00:36:00,737 --> 00:36:02,669 . . . but not too long . 208 00:36:10,969 --> 00:36:12,299 Well, gentlemen . . . 209 00:36:13,201 --> 00:36:15,793 . . .we've gotten rid of the troublemakers. 210 00:36:15,902 --> 00:36:17,799 Now we need a leader. 211 00:36:18,900 --> 00:36:20,958 For me , the choice is clear. 212 00:36:21,100 --> 00:36:25,997 We should elect the biggest and strongest nobleman we have . 213 00:36:26,099 --> 00:36:29,122 - What me? - Yes. . . you . 214 00:36:29,966 --> 00:36:31,591 Well, gentlemen . 215 00:36:36,331 --> 00:36:40,456 I am making a proposal to elect Guzmān . 216 00:36:40,629 --> 00:36:42,755 Who else is for him? 217 00:37:19,956 --> 00:37:24,411 I propose that Don Lope de Aguirre remains second-in-command ! 218 00:37:24,522 --> 00:37:26,044 Who's in favor? 219 00:37:44,151 --> 00:37:48,015 Plagues have come over my people , earthquakes and floods. . . 220 00:37:48,118 --> 00:37:50,174 . . . but what the Spaniards did to us. . . 221 00:37:50,318 --> 00:37:52,612 . . . is much , much worse . 222 00:37:52,716 --> 00:37:57,512 They gave me the name Balthasar, but my real name is Runo Rimac. 223 00:37:57,616 --> 00:38:00,513 - What does that mean? - Runo Rimac. 224 00:38:00,615 --> 00:38:04,274 lt means: He who speaks. I was a prince in this land . 225 00:38:04,382 --> 00:38:08,677 No one was allowed to look directly into my eyes. 226 00:38:08,781 --> 00:38:11,575 But now l'm in chains, like my people . . . 227 00:38:11,713 --> 00:38:14,235 . . . and I must bow my head . 228 00:38:15,113 --> 00:38:20,477 Almost everything was taken from us. I can't do anything , l'm powerless. 229 00:38:20,745 --> 00:38:23,267 But I am also sorry for you . . . 230 00:38:23,378 --> 00:38:28,435 . . . because I know there is no escape from this jungle . 231 00:39:13,669 --> 00:39:15,463 How is Ursua? 232 00:39:39,797 --> 00:39:43,693 Because of our mutiny, we must make our position legal . 233 00:39:43,929 --> 00:39:46,225 Read this document. 234 00:39:51,527 --> 00:39:55,720 Caesarian King , by the grace of God , through our Holy Mother. . . 235 00:39:55,827 --> 00:39:59,554 . . .the Roman Church , Philip the Second of Castile . 236 00:39:59,760 --> 00:40:02,851 We , the undersigned , have until yesterday. . . 237 00:40:02,960 --> 00:40:06,980 . . .the seventh day of 1 561 238 00:40:07,092 --> 00:40:10,024 . . . regarded ourselves as your servants and subjects. 239 00:40:10,124 --> 00:40:15,215 We are now more than 200 miles from your servant, Gonzalo Pizarro . 240 00:40:15,323 --> 00:40:19,720 Fate , God's help and the work of our hands have carried us down a river. 241 00:40:19,822 --> 00:40:23,652 A river, the natives call Huallaga , in search of a new land of gold . 242 00:40:23,755 --> 00:40:27,652 We have decided to put an end to the quirks of fate . 243 00:40:27,754 --> 00:40:32,845 We are forging history, and no fruits of this earth shall henceforth be shared . 244 00:40:32,953 --> 00:40:35,282 We rebel until death . 245 00:40:38,652 --> 00:40:44,481 Our hands shall perish and our tongues dry up if this is not so . 246 00:40:44,618 --> 00:40:47,448 The House of Habsburg is overthrown . 247 00:40:47,551 --> 00:40:51,504 And you , Philip the Second , are dethroned . 248 00:40:51,616 --> 00:40:55,242 By dint of this declaration , be you annihilated . 249 00:40:55,350 --> 00:40:57,475 In your place we proclaim . . . 250 00:40:57,650 --> 00:41:01,478 . . .the nobleman from Sevilla , Don Fernando de Guzmān . . . 251 00:41:01,581 --> 00:41:03,877 . . . as Emperor of El Dorado . 252 00:41:03,981 --> 00:41:06,139 Flee from hence , O King ! 253 00:41:06,447 --> 00:41:09,208 And may God bless your soul . 254 00:41:09,313 --> 00:41:13,608 Fortune smiles on the brave and spits on the coward . 255 00:41:13,713 --> 00:41:17,906 Let's sever our ties with Spain and crown Don Fernando de Guzmān . . . 256 00:41:18,012 --> 00:41:20,103 . . . Emperor of El Dorado . 257 00:41:20,212 --> 00:41:22,403 Do you call this a throne? 258 00:41:22,510 --> 00:41:27,771 What is a throne , but a plank covered with velvet, Your Majesty. 259 00:43:09,057 --> 00:43:11,921 He must have dragged himself along . 260 00:43:12,023 --> 00:43:15,887 That's no arrow wound , that was a sword thrust. 261 00:43:24,288 --> 00:43:27,309 He must have tried to stop him . 262 00:43:28,321 --> 00:43:29,946 January Tenth. 263 00:43:30,353 --> 00:43:33,342 Armando escaped from his prison. 264 00:43:33,553 --> 00:43:37,882 The man who went on guard at three o'clock was murdered. 265 00:43:59,682 --> 00:44:03,078 lt was one of his men . While Ursua is alive . . . 266 00:44:03,414 --> 00:44:05,676 . . .you'll never be safe ! 267 00:44:05,846 --> 00:44:07,834 What can I do about it? 268 00:44:07,979 --> 00:44:09,468 Kill him . 269 00:44:09,780 --> 00:44:13,768 While l'm Emperor, law will prevail. 270 00:44:14,178 --> 00:44:16,700 No killings without a trial. 271 00:44:16,811 --> 00:44:20,141 Then try him . . . and then kill him ! 272 00:44:20,311 --> 00:44:22,970 But it must me a public trial. 273 00:44:24,909 --> 00:44:27,035 He still has sympathizers. 274 00:44:29,342 --> 00:44:32,638 Perucho , to the witness stand . 275 00:44:42,507 --> 00:44:44,869 What did you get out of Ursua? 276 00:44:44,972 --> 00:44:46,029 Nothing . 277 00:44:46,406 --> 00:44:50,236 Three men couldn't open his fist. He must have something in it. 278 00:44:50,339 --> 00:44:52,769 We'd have to chop his hand off to get at it. 279 00:44:52,938 --> 00:44:56,267 He said nothing , except some nonsense . 280 00:44:57,404 --> 00:44:59,700 But last night he had visitors. 281 00:45:01,169 --> 00:45:04,760 The whole story reeks of conspiracy. 282 00:45:07,335 --> 00:45:11,528 Balthasar, ask him if it's true that he received money from Ursua . 283 00:45:16,666 --> 00:45:18,155 Yes, it's true . 284 00:45:20,166 --> 00:45:22,155 lt was the oarsmen's pay. 285 00:45:22,266 --> 00:45:23,425 Next witness! 286 00:45:26,831 --> 00:45:30,854 Okello , is it true that you also received money from Ursua? 287 00:45:31,531 --> 00:45:36,826 I was Pizarro's slave . Then he gave me away for this expedition . . . 288 00:45:37,297 --> 00:45:41,694 . . . because he thought, if the Indians are scared of a horse . . . 289 00:45:41,795 --> 00:45:44,693 . . .they'd be terrified of a black man . 290 00:45:45,895 --> 00:45:51,326 Well, I don't know why, but sometimes Ursua gave me money. 291 00:45:54,860 --> 00:45:57,416 What does the defendant have to say? 292 00:46:16,889 --> 00:46:18,786 I want to speak. 293 00:46:19,054 --> 00:46:23,248 In Spain I had many servants, and I paid them . 294 00:46:24,421 --> 00:46:29,114 lt is only fair to give them money here as well . . . 295 00:46:29,686 --> 00:46:31,811 . . . even if they are Indians. 296 00:46:33,586 --> 00:46:36,745 Time will tell that Ursua is right. 297 00:46:36,852 --> 00:46:41,216 We understand your confusion , my child . You are excused . 298 00:47:00,680 --> 00:47:04,339 The jury, after having heard all testimonies. . . 299 00:47:05,480 --> 00:47:07,775 . . .finds the defendant. . . 300 00:47:07,979 --> 00:47:10,069 . . . guilty of treason . 301 00:47:12,479 --> 00:47:14,773 My unpleasant duty. . . 302 00:47:15,144 --> 00:47:19,769 . . . as President of the first court of your Highness, Don Fernando . . . 303 00:47:21,176 --> 00:47:25,268 . . . is to sentence Pedro de Ursua . . . 304 00:47:25,377 --> 00:47:28,569 . . .to death by hanging . 305 00:47:32,108 --> 00:47:33,972 I confirm the verdict. 306 00:47:34,074 --> 00:47:38,472 But since it is the anniversary of the last Moor leaving Spain . . . 307 00:47:38,907 --> 00:47:41,338 . . . I will grant clemency. 308 00:47:41,773 --> 00:47:44,897 His life will be spared , but he forfeits. . . 309 00:47:45,038 --> 00:47:48,334 . . . all rights as a citizen of El Dorado . 310 00:47:48,438 --> 00:47:51,369 Half of his shares will go to the Church . . . 311 00:47:51,471 --> 00:47:55,835 . . .the other half will be divided among my best soldiers. 312 00:48:23,931 --> 00:48:25,591 January Twelfth. 313 00:48:25,964 --> 00:48:29,192 In the morning we set out with a new raft. 314 00:48:29,298 --> 00:48:31,785 Ursua is still alive... 315 00:48:32,196 --> 00:48:34,458 ...but he refuses to speak. 316 00:48:35,696 --> 00:48:37,286 Look, a fire ! 317 00:48:38,196 --> 00:48:40,990 At noon we saw a great fire. 318 00:48:41,861 --> 00:48:43,986 Steer closer to the shore ! 319 00:48:46,461 --> 00:48:48,120 Load your muskets. 320 00:48:48,460 --> 00:48:50,483 I can't see anyone . 321 00:48:52,226 --> 00:48:55,588 Be careful, men ! lt could be an ambush . 322 00:48:56,059 --> 00:48:58,251 Strip the negro , go on ! 323 00:49:07,490 --> 00:49:13,352 Fearing an ambush, we stripped the negro slave, to frighten the Indians. 324 00:49:29,752 --> 00:49:31,877 Go ! Run ! 325 00:49:32,118 --> 00:49:34,913 Go on ! Go, I said ! 326 00:49:37,385 --> 00:49:39,612 Drive him in front of us! 327 00:49:57,880 --> 00:49:59,938 Get away from the food ! 328 00:50:00,247 --> 00:50:02,338 Look out for Indians! 329 00:50:02,846 --> 00:50:04,642 Are you crazy? 330 00:50:07,745 --> 00:50:09,608 Take your weapons! 331 00:50:46,872 --> 00:50:49,963 Look at that. lt was one of our men . 332 00:50:52,736 --> 00:50:54,532 Where does this come from? 333 00:51:03,735 --> 00:51:05,325 And this here? 334 00:51:07,301 --> 00:51:09,562 For heaven's sake , cannibals! 335 00:51:22,099 --> 00:51:27,291 The discovery of cannibals around us was so disturbing... 336 00:51:27,397 --> 00:51:30,090 ...that we hastily left this dreadful place. 337 00:51:48,626 --> 00:51:50,354 January twentieth. 338 00:51:50,459 --> 00:51:54,256 The mountains are now behind us and the land is flat. 339 00:51:54,693 --> 00:51:59,454 The roof Aguirre had us build, protects us against the scorching sun. 340 00:52:00,225 --> 00:52:05,247 The river is sluggish and we're slowly coming to a halt. 341 00:52:29,085 --> 00:52:32,347 What's this? Are you giving him a gun? 342 00:53:17,510 --> 00:53:22,736 Aguirre , I know that you plan on doing something to Ursua ! 343 00:53:24,008 --> 00:53:26,031 There's no doubt in my mind . 344 00:53:27,975 --> 00:53:30,667 And God will punish you for that! 345 00:53:38,338 --> 00:53:40,702 Get out of my way! 346 00:53:53,770 --> 00:53:55,894 Are you alright, little one? 347 00:54:26,063 --> 00:54:29,120 What's happening? You can't hear a thing . 348 00:55:20,786 --> 00:55:23,411 lt's suddenly so quiet. 349 00:55:26,251 --> 00:55:28,309 Yes, not a sound . 350 00:55:29,718 --> 00:55:31,808 Shh . . . so , we can hear. . . 351 00:55:49,281 --> 00:55:51,270 The gunpowder! lt's on fire ! 352 00:55:51,381 --> 00:55:54,676 Out of the way! lt's going to blow up! 353 00:56:03,179 --> 00:56:04,736 Grab the pole ! 354 00:56:04,846 --> 00:56:07,708 Help me pull the Emperor onto the raft! 355 00:56:08,344 --> 00:56:11,105 Here , so he can hold on to it. 356 00:56:14,943 --> 00:56:16,841 Damned horse . . . 357 00:56:17,609 --> 00:56:19,734 . . . nothing but trouble ! 358 00:56:23,442 --> 00:56:25,203 What's wrong with him? 359 00:56:32,140 --> 00:56:33,435 He's dead . 360 00:56:34,406 --> 00:56:36,564 Look how short the arrow is. 361 00:56:36,672 --> 00:56:37,831 Poisoned . 362 00:56:38,806 --> 00:56:40,862 lt must belong to a dwarf. 363 00:56:43,671 --> 00:56:47,398 - Fire ! Make some noise , quickly! - What are we to aim at? 364 00:56:47,503 --> 00:56:50,094 Just shoot, you asshole ! 365 00:56:50,670 --> 00:56:51,794 Fire ! 366 00:56:52,369 --> 00:56:53,699 Fire ! 367 00:57:47,325 --> 00:57:49,757 Come , play something for the men . 368 00:59:04,477 --> 00:59:07,137 - Look, isn't that a canoe? - Where? 369 00:59:07,244 --> 00:59:10,641 Over there under those trees, it's coming towards us. 370 00:59:23,808 --> 00:59:27,761 Keep the raft mid-stream . lt could be a trap. 371 00:59:36,404 --> 00:59:38,268 January twenty fourth. 372 00:59:38,971 --> 00:59:42,266 For the first time, we saw two of the savages. 373 00:59:42,837 --> 00:59:45,234 They seemed to be trusting. 374 00:59:47,737 --> 00:59:49,327 Pull the boat close . 375 00:59:49,637 --> 00:59:51,625 I have the man . Hold him ! 376 00:59:51,736 --> 00:59:53,065 And I have the woman . 377 00:59:54,668 --> 00:59:56,601 Look, there's a fish ! 378 01:00:31,761 --> 01:00:33,352 What did he say? 379 01:00:35,361 --> 01:00:36,691 He says. . . 380 01:00:37,827 --> 01:00:39,554 . . . he's from the Yagua Tribe . 381 01:00:40,959 --> 01:00:47,016 He knows from his ancestors that one day, the Sons of the Sun . . . 382 01:00:47,292 --> 01:00:50,655 . . .would arrive from afar, through great perils. 383 01:00:50,825 --> 01:00:55,189 The strangers would come with thunder from tubes. 384 01:00:55,324 --> 01:00:59,085 They've waited a long time for the coming of the Sons of the Sun . 385 01:00:59,190 --> 01:01:03,211 For here on this river, God never finished His Creation . 386 01:01:03,388 --> 01:01:06,946 Look, gold ! Where did you get that? 387 01:01:16,852 --> 01:01:18,250 Gold ! 388 01:01:19,319 --> 01:01:22,842 Gold ! Ask him where he got it from . 389 01:01:23,253 --> 01:01:25,444 Ask him where El Dorado is. 390 01:01:25,651 --> 01:01:27,913 Where does this gold come from? 391 01:01:33,782 --> 01:01:35,247 What did he say? 392 01:01:38,482 --> 01:01:42,607 Has this savage ever heard of our savior Jesus Christ. . . 393 01:01:42,915 --> 01:01:46,369 . . . and of our mission and the True Word of God? 394 01:01:51,646 --> 01:01:55,543 This is a Bible . lt contains the Word of God . . . 395 01:01:56,411 --> 01:02:00,844 . . .that we preach to bring light into the darkness of their world . 396 01:02:03,043 --> 01:02:07,668 Does he understand at all , that this book contains the Word of God? 397 01:02:10,842 --> 01:02:12,638 Take it in your hand , my son . 398 01:02:18,142 --> 01:02:21,766 - He says, it doesn't talk. - Kill him for this blasphemy! 399 01:02:30,272 --> 01:02:32,431 It is a tough business. 400 01:02:32,572 --> 01:02:35,162 These savages are hard to convert. 401 01:02:52,201 --> 01:02:54,167 lt won't be much longer. 402 01:02:55,068 --> 01:02:59,523 El Dorado might be only a few days away. 403 01:03:02,366 --> 01:03:04,764 No more rust on the cannon . 404 01:03:05,099 --> 01:03:08,360 We will shoot our enemies with golden bullets. 405 01:03:08,799 --> 01:03:13,855 And you , Okello , will serve my food on golden platters. 406 01:03:14,397 --> 01:03:17,227 And all of us will gain something . 407 01:03:18,730 --> 01:03:20,559 Governships. . . 408 01:03:20,663 --> 01:03:22,321 . . . provinces. . . 409 01:03:22,996 --> 01:03:24,654 . . . and women . 410 01:03:26,063 --> 01:03:28,426 And perhaps l'll even be free . 411 01:03:32,194 --> 01:03:35,956 Let's not forget the most important part of our mission . . . 412 01:03:36,194 --> 01:03:38,953 . . .to spread the Word of God to the savages. 413 01:03:39,060 --> 01:03:45,082 l'm sure you'd like a golden cross studded with jewels, Carvajal . . . 414 01:03:45,191 --> 01:03:48,316 . . . instead of the silver one you lost. 415 01:04:34,582 --> 01:04:39,537 All the land to our left and all the land to our right. . . 416 01:04:39,648 --> 01:04:41,876 . . . now belongs to us. 417 01:04:45,880 --> 01:04:51,869 I solemnly and formally take possession of all this land . 418 01:05:13,975 --> 01:05:20,167 Our country is already six times larger than Spain . . . 419 01:05:20,807 --> 01:05:25,296 . . . and every day we drift, makes it bigger. 420 01:05:26,673 --> 01:05:31,229 Have you seen any solid ground that would support your weight? 421 01:06:57,556 --> 01:07:01,783 Okello , it's missing salt! 422 01:07:02,455 --> 01:07:05,614 Fish and fruit we can find now and then . . . 423 01:07:05,954 --> 01:07:09,010 . . . but we've been out of salt for a while . 424 01:07:10,820 --> 01:07:15,684 We're down to counting our last grains of corn . 425 01:07:55,779 --> 01:07:58,676 - Hold the horse ! - The horse has cut loose ! 426 01:07:58,778 --> 01:08:01,267 - Take the reins! - Watch out! 427 01:08:01,444 --> 01:08:03,875 Watch , that it doesn't jump off board ! 428 01:08:40,703 --> 01:08:44,395 Damn , get that horse away from me ! Get rid of it! 429 01:08:47,568 --> 01:08:49,931 Throw that damned beast off the raft! 430 01:08:50,068 --> 01:08:53,863 Go on ! Go for a swim ! 431 01:08:57,900 --> 01:09:00,491 - lt wants to get back on board . - Go away! 432 01:10:06,121 --> 01:10:08,383 I think he's a dead man . 433 01:10:09,387 --> 01:10:15,478 In Mexico , I saw an army of Indians flee at the sight of one single horse . 434 01:10:16,052 --> 01:10:20,506 And besides, we could have eaten meat for a week. . . 435 01:10:45,314 --> 01:10:49,506 Don't worry, little one , the horse will be alright. 436 01:11:00,543 --> 01:11:02,532 Oh , my God , the Emperor! 437 01:11:03,278 --> 01:11:05,139 The Emperor is dead ! 438 01:11:35,005 --> 01:11:39,561 After our Emperor's death, the fate of Ursua was sealed. 439 01:11:39,770 --> 01:11:45,395 Next morning, a few soldiers took him away and he never came back. 440 01:13:47,713 --> 01:13:51,007 Little mother, 441 01:13:51,311 --> 01:13:53,300 . . .two by two . . . 442 01:13:54,478 --> 01:13:57,034 . . .wafts the wind on my hair. 443 01:14:51,467 --> 01:14:52,989 What are they shouting? 444 01:14:53,100 --> 01:14:57,055 They're shouting , ''Meat is floating by.'' 445 01:15:35,125 --> 01:15:36,148 Fire ! 446 01:15:36,893 --> 01:15:38,948 Set the village on fire ! 447 01:15:42,425 --> 01:15:44,287 Keep shooting , it'll scare them ! 448 01:15:50,157 --> 01:15:52,088 Don't go into the jungle ! 449 01:15:58,321 --> 01:15:59,618 Salt! 450 01:16:03,520 --> 01:16:04,781 Salt! 451 01:16:11,751 --> 01:16:14,377 I haven't had salt for a month ! 452 01:17:19,539 --> 01:17:23,938 She has gone without a trace . We couldn't find her anywhere . 453 01:17:24,205 --> 01:17:26,761 We have not seen any Indians either. 454 01:17:28,004 --> 01:17:30,231 Let's march back to Pizarro . 455 01:17:30,637 --> 01:17:33,727 Two men , more or less, it won't matter to him . 456 01:17:33,836 --> 01:17:38,063 I am sick of it. l'm leaving tonight. 457 01:17:38,169 --> 01:17:41,100 lf I march at night, the Indians won't catch me . 458 01:17:41,200 --> 01:17:44,530 In the day, I will hide . I will get back to Pizarro . 459 01:17:44,667 --> 01:17:49,223 We followed her tracks half a mile into the jungle , then we lost them . 460 01:17:49,332 --> 01:17:51,423 She simply vanished ! 461 01:17:52,899 --> 01:17:57,558 Then one of the men panicked because of the silence . . . 462 01:17:57,664 --> 01:18:01,062 . . .which always comes just before someone gets killed . 463 01:18:01,531 --> 01:18:06,690 l'd rather join the Indians, than stay with this madman . 464 01:18:06,797 --> 01:18:09,729 That man is a head taller than me . 465 01:18:10,697 --> 01:18:12,593 That may change . . . 466 01:18:20,694 --> 01:18:24,285 l'll explain my plan . I have counted the river bends. 467 01:18:24,527 --> 01:18:28,185 l've drawn a map in the sand . 468 01:18:28,726 --> 01:18:31,520 We need about a day for each bend . 469 01:18:32,192 --> 01:18:34,623 One , two . . . 470 01:18:34,757 --> 01:18:37,780 . . .three , four, five . . . 471 01:18:38,058 --> 01:18:39,886 . . . six, seven . . . 472 01:18:40,157 --> 01:18:41,487 . . . eight. . . 473 01:18:41,624 --> 01:18:42,611 . . . nine . . . 474 01:18:45,656 --> 01:18:46,985 . . .ten . 475 01:18:48,289 --> 01:18:53,242 I am the great traitor. There can be no greater! 476 01:18:55,487 --> 01:19:00,578 Whoever even thinks about deserting will be cut into 1 98 pieces! 477 01:19:01,819 --> 01:19:07,046 And then trampled upon until you can paint the walls with him . 478 01:19:13,451 --> 01:19:16,314 Whoever eats one grain too many. . . 479 01:19:16,417 --> 01:19:18,781 . . . or drinks one drop of water too much . . . 480 01:19:20,283 --> 01:19:24,214 . . .will be locked up for 1 55 years! 481 01:19:30,113 --> 01:19:34,568 lf I, Aguirre , want the birds to drop dead from the trees. . . 482 01:19:34,680 --> 01:19:38,271 . . .the birds will drop dead from the trees. 483 01:19:42,311 --> 01:19:44,641 I am the Wrath of God ! 484 01:19:46,045 --> 01:19:49,408 The earth I walk upon sees me and quakes! 485 01:19:55,309 --> 01:19:59,968 But whoever follows me and the river, will win untold riches. 486 01:20:09,340 --> 01:20:11,567 But whoever deserts. . . 487 01:22:15,517 --> 01:22:18,607 Get away from the tree ! Go to mid-stream ! 488 01:22:18,715 --> 01:22:21,647 - Hey, give me a pole ! - Watch out, the roof! 489 01:22:21,749 --> 01:22:24,579 Watch out, the sedan-chair is falling ! 490 01:22:28,347 --> 01:22:30,245 Careful! 491 01:22:31,014 --> 01:22:32,377 Over there . 492 01:22:34,380 --> 01:22:37,038 The long arrows are getting fashionable . . . 493 01:22:39,012 --> 01:22:41,807 - Indians! - Where? I don't see any. 494 01:22:42,177 --> 01:22:45,802 - Make noise ! - I better get out of here . 495 01:23:09,672 --> 01:23:11,161 February first. 496 01:23:11,773 --> 01:23:16,261 The men's morale is at a low point. I spoke with Aguirre. 497 01:23:16,671 --> 01:23:19,570 Things are not turning out as we expected . 498 01:23:19,938 --> 01:23:23,597 We see nothing but hunger and death . 499 01:23:23,970 --> 01:23:26,958 We lose men , but we never see the enemy. 500 01:23:27,502 --> 01:23:31,400 Even El Dorado hasn't been more than an illusion . 501 01:23:44,666 --> 01:23:47,030 Mexico was no illusion ! 502 01:23:55,330 --> 01:23:59,853 lf we turn back now, others will come . 503 01:24:00,330 --> 01:24:02,262 And they will succeed ! 504 01:24:04,495 --> 01:24:07,018 And we'll remain a failure ! 505 01:24:07,929 --> 01:24:11,485 Even if this land only consists of trees and water. . . 506 01:24:11,828 --> 01:24:13,794 . . .we will conquer it! 507 01:24:14,494 --> 01:24:20,448 And it'll be milked dry by those who follow us. 508 01:24:22,093 --> 01:24:24,854 My men measure riches in gold . 509 01:24:28,092 --> 01:24:29,648 lt is more . 510 01:24:32,925 --> 01:24:35,185 lt is power and fame . 511 01:24:41,523 --> 01:24:43,612 I despise them for it. 512 01:24:46,122 --> 01:24:49,383 I am sure, Aguirre is leading us into destruction. 513 01:24:49,488 --> 01:24:52,612 I almost feel, he does it deliberately. 514 01:24:53,187 --> 01:24:59,118 We can't even get ashore, since the river flooded the jungle for miles. 515 01:25:05,318 --> 01:25:07,544 February twenty-second. 516 01:25:07,783 --> 01:25:09,976 The suffering is dreadful. 517 01:25:10,417 --> 01:25:13,745 Most men have fever and hallucinations. 518 01:25:14,116 --> 01:25:16,707 Hardly anyone can stand upright. 519 01:25:17,115 --> 01:25:21,637 The soldier Justo Gonzales drank my ink, thinking it was medicine. 520 01:25:22,648 --> 01:25:24,546 I can no longer write. 521 01:25:25,114 --> 01:25:27,137 We are drifting in circles. 522 01:26:53,432 --> 01:26:57,658 I see a ship with sails. . . 523 01:26:58,130 --> 01:27:00,061 . . . in a tall tree . . . 524 01:27:01,063 --> 01:27:04,892 . . . and from the stern hangs a canoe . 525 01:27:09,728 --> 01:27:12,421 The ship is in your imagination . 526 01:27:13,094 --> 01:27:15,752 No floodwaters could rise this high . 527 01:27:17,493 --> 01:27:19,583 We all have the fever. 528 01:27:21,593 --> 01:27:23,558 lt is only a mirage . 529 01:27:25,224 --> 01:27:29,656 These things happen when people are overly exhausted . 530 01:27:30,158 --> 01:27:31,817 Shut up, monk! 531 01:27:31,924 --> 01:27:36,150 We'll get that ship! lt is real! We'll sail to the Atlantic with it. 532 01:27:36,489 --> 01:27:41,444 No , Lope de Aguirre , I won't go with you . We are weak and hungry. 533 01:27:55,053 --> 01:27:59,507 That is no ship. That is no forest. 534 01:28:01,384 --> 01:28:03,407 That is no arrow. 535 01:28:04,484 --> 01:28:08,881 We just imagine the arrows, because we fear them . 536 01:28:09,216 --> 01:28:11,808 These arrows are real, take cover! 537 01:28:20,516 --> 01:28:23,173 This arrow can't harm me . 538 01:28:25,314 --> 01:28:27,109 This is not rain . 539 01:28:33,211 --> 01:28:36,507 Monk, do not forget to pray, lest God's end . . . 540 01:28:38,911 --> 01:28:40,536 . . .will be uncomely. 541 01:29:58,130 --> 01:30:00,459 When we reach the sea ... 542 01:30:00,929 --> 01:30:03,395 ...we will build a bigger ship... 543 01:30:03,896 --> 01:30:09,055 ...sail north and take Trinidad from the Spanish crown. 544 01:30:16,460 --> 01:30:19,017 From there we'll sail on... 545 01:30:19,758 --> 01:30:22,451 . . . and take Mexico from Cortez. 546 01:30:23,825 --> 01:30:27,154 What great treachery this will be! 547 01:30:28,457 --> 01:30:32,048 Then, all of New Spain will be in our hands... 548 01:30:32,490 --> 01:30:35,683 ...and we'll stage history... 549 01:30:36,022 --> 01:30:39,318 . . . like others stage plays. 550 01:31:42,744 --> 01:31:45,902 I, the Wrath of God... 551 01:31:47,443 --> 01:31:50,101 ...will marry my own daughter... 552 01:31:51,609 --> 01:31:55,438 ...and with her I will found the purest dynasty... 553 01:31:56,042 --> 01:31:58,337 ...the earth has ever seen. 554 01:31:59,141 --> 01:32:00,732 Together... 555 01:32:01,673 --> 01:32:05,196 ...we shall rule this entire continent. 556 01:32:12,505 --> 01:32:14,266 We will endure. 557 01:32:16,604 --> 01:32:19,297 I am the Wrath of God ! 558 01:32:20,870 --> 01:32:22,926 Who else is with me?